Sunday, January 21, 2007

In Memory

Aunty Jean, my great-aunt, died last week. We only found out that she was ill at Christmas, so it was all very quick.
Aunty Jean was a funny, intelligent, warm lady who was great fun to be around. She was always so happy to see us, even though it was only once a year or so that we got to visit. I wish I could have seen her more often, to have known her better and to have spent more time enjoying her company.
Her husband, our Uncle Jimmy, died a few years ago. I always saw them as an extra set of grandparents and I miss them both.

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Aunty Jean at my wedding, enjoying a tipple.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Random Christmas Photos

My Christmas was pretty good. I spent some time with my family, and got a lot of great presents.
Here, for your entertainment, is a selection of photos...

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This is a costume that I made for the Nativity play at the nursery where I work. The little girl playing Mary had to be 'riding' on a donkey, and pretending to knit at the same time, so I (stupidly) volunteered to make a donkey costume that she could wear hung from her shoulders. It took ages to make, but it worked really well in the end.

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This is one of the rather lacklustre Christmas decorations near my work. Chris dubbed it the 'Heather Mills Santa'...

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We tried to make Jonas's cage a little bit festive by hanging a bauble in it, but he wasn't impressed. In fact, he thought so little of it that he decided to gnaw on it. We swiftly removed the slightly-shredded bauble...

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For those two of you who wanted to see, here's our Christmas tree (with presents from a certain Aussie underneath). We don't go for a colour-coordinated look, but just put up decorations that we like, usually getting one or two new ones each year.

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Finally, here's me wearing the t-shirt that Nettie sent me, displaying the wonderful assortment of piratey gifts that I was given!

Next post - photos from the big torchlit procession on 29th December. Lots of fire and Vikings!

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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Halloween Party Photos

Ok, here's the long-awaited photos of our Halloween party! It was a good night - yummy food was eaten, alcohol was drunk, bad horror films were watched, and an assortment of weird costumes were worn...

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A redneck psycho

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The Invisible Man (also of MoH)

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Aharrr! 'Tis a pirate with a rat on his shoulder!

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It's difficult to talk to someone dressed as 'V'...

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Boo declined to pose for a photo.

And finally, here's the bloody dragonfly wings that took me ages to make and nearly drove me mad. I really like them, though, and I'm going to hang them on the wall.

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I hope you like the photos.

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