My Christmas was pretty good. I spent some time with my family, and got a lot of great presents.
Here, for your entertainment, is a selection of photos...
This is a costume that I made for the Nativity play at the nursery where I work. The little girl playing Mary had to be 'riding' on a donkey, and pretending to knit at the same time, so I (stupidly) volunteered to make a donkey costume that she could wear hung from her shoulders. It took ages to make, but it worked really well in the end.
This is one of the rather lacklustre Christmas decorations near my work. Chris dubbed it the 'Heather Mills Santa'...
We tried to make Jonas's cage a little bit festive by hanging a bauble in it, but he wasn't impressed. In fact, he thought so little of it that he decided to gnaw on it. We swiftly removed the slightly-shredded bauble...
For those two of you who wanted to see, here's our Christmas tree (with presents from a certain Aussie underneath). We don't go for a colour-coordinated look, but just put up decorations that we like, usually getting one or two new ones each year.
Finally, here's me wearing the t-shirt that Nettie sent me, displaying the wonderful assortment of piratey gifts that I was given!
Next post - photos from the big torchlit procession on 29th December. Lots of fire and Vikings!
Labels: Christmas, photos